Better than we know ourselves

I have felt, rather helplessly, this inner desire to find God’s call for my life and do it. I devoured these books because I found it so fascinating to listen to other people’s stories on radically following God’s call.

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The beard and the veil

Over the Christmas vacation, my dearest friends from college dropped in for a visit with their family. Most of the conversation revolved around faith — what weightier questions are there? At some lull in the conversation, my friend asked why Todd had grown a beard…

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The faith of a child

“Mama, is Oscar still sick?” my five year old casually asks one day.

We are in the middle of a rousing game of Zingo, and I have just successfully defused a tense argument about who gets the “star” chip…

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The storm before the calm

I am not sure what the heck this is supposed to be. The tagline I chose was “a spiritual memoir of special needs parenting.” But “memoir” implies memories implies the past, finished and done.

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